Let's talk About School Revalidation

This is an execrise of the Plateau State Ministry of Education, requiring all schools in Plateau State, both public and private to revalidate their status, by signing up and submit same to the required data requested and expected of them.

The exercise is mandatory and all schools no matter its' status is expected to comply and submit the full details of the requested fields as required on the form.

Oh No! My School Isn't Registered

Never mind, you are in luck. Within this period, the Plateau State Ministry of Education has provided and allowed a window for schools that are not approved by the ministry to take this opportunity and register on a discount of 10%. This is an effort by the minstry to encourage compliance and encourage private eduation service providers.

The window period is just for a month, after which we shall revert to the initial cost and monitoring will commence. You can apply for "New School Establishment Licence" here.

Frequently Asked Question?
Our Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page (or hub) is to help you respond to your specific needs more quickly and appropriately. Our FAQ resource is to educate, inform and guide you in a natural way through the website’s content and toward the goals and end results of the set exercise.

This is in place to manage statutory task designed for schools in response to the request of the Plateau State Ministry of Education. Currently it is available for School Revalidation Exercise for All Schools. It is design to establish a baseline data by providing an accessabilty through technology.
It is meant to provide access for data management by providing Online Revalidation Access Point for All Schools and Relevant Stakeholders.
Yes. It is a yearly exercise. As data tend to change within the education ecosystem there is a need for annual capture. As such, You must complete with accurate data the entire form and submit it online.
All Schools Both Public and Private are Expected Participant for the Exercise. We will Also Encourage that Schools that are not aware of this should be informed via word of mouth or online forums.
First. You will need to download an offline form. Its provided when you click on the revalidate school button on the landing page. Download and print out. Study the form and fill the hard copy to accord you time to gather the required information. After you have finish filling the hard copy. You now have everything you need. Go online and do the online revalidation. You will find that it is Easy that way.
Simply go to the landing page of this plaform, you will see a button under the ministry of education logo. Click on it and Select 'Signup for School Revalidation'. You will be required to provide information on a form and submit to generate your school code and password. You can continue in accordance to the instruction as directed.
First, You need to Check what you are typing or uploading. If the document requested for upload is more that 50KB, it will not submit. If a text field is required and no information is entered, it will not submit. Incase you don't have such information as required, you can enter 'NIL', as for Numbers Enter '0'. If its something else, You can call '07066004095' for further clarification.
It is the unique identification number code specifically generated for your school. The number is the key for other engagement and benefit within the education ecosystems of the state. It is generated for your school upon signing up for the revalidation exercise. You must write out the code in a safe place as it shall serve as your username through out the life of your school on the this systems.
You are required to proceed by clicking on the login button on the home page to begin the proceed. Your pick it up from where you stop. Remember the integroty of the data you are providing will determine your rating in the Ministry of Education. Make Sure you provide genuine data.
There is a provision for checklist, either as a person applying to establish a new school, or an existing school moving forward on revalidation. Go to the menu on the home page. Click on school revalidation. For Persons applying for the establishment of new school. Click on "New Application" on the menu, it will take you to a page where you will get a button with an "Download Application Checklist", click and download. Likewise for revalidation go to the home page and click on the school revalidation and choose signup for revalidation and follow the direction. You will find a checklist for revalidation after you sign up or login.
Yes. If you don't complete the form. You will not get the "CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION", Whih inspectors from the ministry will require to see. Without the certificate, it signifies that you did not participate, and this will attract penalty.
Go to you login page and you will find "Forgotten Your EVN? Pls Click Here!", you only need to supply the email you used to sign up. All information will be supplied to you.
You register each school separately and input the information specific to each school.
You are to revalidate Nursery and Primary as one school wnile Junior and Senior Secondary School as one school, also if they are in diffrent location you have to revalidete them as two seperate school.
First, you go to school signup, click on it and you will see a drop down, click on "Aplication to establish new school" it will take you to a page where you will need to download a check list to make sure you have handy all the information that the online application will be requiring from you. Else if you have what is required from the cheklist, you can continue by clicking on "Continue to Declaration" to proceed with your application.
It is so, as to enable you see the information and gather the required information that will be required of you online. The checklist gives you the opportunity to get all you need handy.
You register each school separately and input the information specific to each school.
Not to worry, You just login and continue on the form you stopped.
You Need to Mind It as it is the part of your login credentials annd unique code to identify your document.
Access Protocol

SESSION: 2023/2024

Don't Have an Account? Sign Up Here!

To commence revalidation of any school, both public and private, you will be required to sign up on the platform to generate your School Verification Number alias EVN. This is a basic criteria to login into your account to commence the process of revalidation. Sign Up by clicking on the button below.

Sign Up for School Revalidation
New School Establishment Application

Application Date: 15-09-2024

Apply For Private School Operating License
Is Your School Registered With the Ministry of Education?

Plateau State Ministry of Education

Are you aware that before you start running any school in the state, you are suppose to apply for operating permit from the Ministry of Education? If you have not, this is your chance to normilize your operational status. We have made it easy for you to begin online with a 10% discount. Click on the button below to begin Immediately!

Click Here to Apply

3 Simple Steps to Successful Revalidation

Contact Us
Feel free to contact me


Plateau State Ministry of Education(Basic and Secondary), J.D. Gomwalk Secretariat

